Your First Best Job

Start your career with PURPOSE and INTENTION


The Beginning of a Dream

Starting your career is so exciting, and it can also be terrifying.  On average it takes college graduates 6 months to get a job after graduating and that time can be frustrating and disheartening.

What if you had someone to help you, someone who had been there, someone who understood the hiring process to give you advice on what to study - would that help?

I have taken all of my experience over 15 years of recruiting to help you understand how to start your job search, and ultimately your career.

One Step At A Time

Learn how to stand out from the crowd and really focus on what you want.  These steps are EASY and REPEATABLE.  These are steps that everyone can do, a little each day and building over time - that's how you make progress.  The steps that you choose will determine your career, you just need to make sure that you're pointed in the direction that you want to go

Everything to gain and nothing to lose

Your satisfaction is guaranteed.  If you don't feel that you're getting your value out of the class, you can cancel in the first 30 days and get a full refund (or the first class with one on one coaching).

On average it takes 6 months to get a job after college - and that job might not even be in your field.  Invest in yourself and have the career that you deserve!

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Discover What You Want

Learn how to uncover a world of jobs that you never knew about... and what you need to get that job

Personal Branding

You are unique - the Best You in the world.  You are a Purple Squirrel (you don't see one of those very often, do you?).

You need to let the world know who you are and why they want to work with you!

Getting Interviews

How do you stand out in a sea of candidates?  How do you get the attention of the person who will give you a break?  You will learn how to be noticed and get interviews.

Making the Best Impression

How can a company get to know the real you if you're too nervous?  Learn how to avoid the most common interview mistakes and let the Best You shine!

Negotiating Your Offer

This is what you've been waiting for - Getting that Offer!  Learn how to navigate this process for the best possible outcome to your job search.

Keeping Your Dream In Focus

Once you've landed your job, learn how to make the most of every step and to keep working on your Dream Career!

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Your First Best Job

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